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What is unhealthy lifestyle?

 An unhealthy lifestyle is characterized by behaviors that harm your health, such as skipping breakfast and overindulging in food, drinking ...

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

The Beauty of Bones

Everyone wants to be look beautiful, perfect and attractive. For this purpose we does lost of struggling things but as usual we forgets to maintain over bones beauty which is the most important key of happiness.

Our bone needs some minerals and vitamins (especially Calcium and vitamin D), which can take from our daily foods but we don’t know what the exact amount should be taken? Or should not be taken. There are some guidelines which can help you to maintain your bones beauty. 

  • Our bones are made of calcium, Calcium to keep your bones dense and strong, a mineral that’s essential to proper body function, is stored in our bones. Low bone density can cause your bones to become brittle and fragile. These weak bones can break easily, even without an obvious injury.

[Calcium can get from milk and dairy products, cheese, yogurt, ice cream and green leafy vegetables] 

  • The body needs vitamin D to absorb calcium. Its mean vitamin D is the key of our bones.

[Vitamin D you can get from food or supplements. Sun shine can develop vitamin D in your body naturally. Other cheese, yogurt, beef liver, egg yolks are rich of vitamin D]

Foods That Build Strong Bones:

  • Milk
  • Eggs 
  • Yogurt 
  • Ice cream
  • Cheese 
  • Tofu 
  • Fishes: "Salmon, catfish, tuna, sardine with bones"
  • Green leafy vegetables: "broccoli, collards, kale, mustard greens, turnip greens, and bok choy, Edamame Okra"
  • NUTS AND SEEDS: "chia seeds, hemp seeds, sesame seeds, almonds, brazil nuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds"
  • Oranges, mulberries, gooseberries
  • Figs

Foods That Make Bones Weak:

  • Alcohol 
  • Too much Vitamin A
  • Too much Salt
  • Too much Sugar
  • Bleached flour 
  • Soft drinks "most dangerous"
  • Caffeine
  • Hydrogenated oils
  • Too much protein

What Causes A Headache - Ten Most Common Headache Triggers

There are a few common (and unexpected) things you can learn to avoid to prevent pain in the future.

1- Anxiety: Stress can take a toll on you. Breathe, relax & take a stroll.

2- Glare: Brightness from your computer screen, sunlight or overhead lights can make things painful. Turn it down & try adding a desk lamp.

3- Noise: It is not just loud, repetitive sounds. Even lower level on continuous noise can hurt. Calming music & headphones may help.

4- Eating + Sleeping Patterns: Eat when you are hungry. Sleep enough (not too much or too little), & do not sleep in an odd position in a cold room – it can make your muscles spasm.

5- Medication: Some prescription medications may have the potential to trigger a headache. If you notice an increase, talk to your doctor.

6- Physical Activity: Take it easy in the gym. Pushing too hard can result in an exertional headache from the swelling of blood vessels in your head, neck & scalp.

7- Lack of Physical Activity: Even though over-exertion can increase your risk for headaches, staying sedentary does not help either. As with most things in life, moderation is key. Talk to your doctor before beginning or revising any exercise regimen.

8- Posture: Your mom was right! Sit up straight to keep blood flowing (and move around when you can if you spend extended periods of time bent over a desk).

9- Hormones: When estrogen levels drop (especially right before your period), you may be more likely to get a headache. Keep track of your cycle & plan when you can.

10- Food Sensitivities: Food & drink release neurotransmitters, which can cause headaches in some people. Triggers include aspartame, caffeine, chocolate, alcohol, cheese & more.