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What is unhealthy lifestyle?

 An unhealthy lifestyle is characterized by behaviors that harm your health, such as skipping breakfast and overindulging in food, drinking ...

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Top 5 Health Tips for Gaining Lean Muscles Without Fat

Here are top 5 health pro tips that will help everyone to keep or maintain lean muscles without getting fat in your body.

1. Eat Clean & Hygienic Food Which has Lots & Lots of Calories

Eating clean & Hygienic food every day will help every individual to maintain their body with good shape. The food you in take much contains protein, low-glycemic carbs, health dietary fats & etc. Try to have some organic foods regularly in order to sustain much energy which will always help you to make you feel bit relaxed & happier through out the day.

2. Try to eat foods which contains much Carbohydrate

This is really a beautiful tips for having a lean muscles. Overdose of Carbs will leads to Hyper insulin which will ultimately leads to increase in Fat content in the human. But it is also not to avoid the Carbs in your meals totally. People are prone to sit in one place & do their work most of the time. It is better to center your carb consumption around your sitting place. Here are few carbs which are present in sweet potatoes, brown rice, whole grains, oatmeal..

3. Healthy fats don’t make you fat!

Dietary Fats don’t make you fat. Recent research has said that Fats have 9 calories per gram, but carbs & proteins have 5 calories per gram. Less calories per gram will help you in getting your muscles lean. Fats from rich source like avocado, whipped butter, eggs, nuts are a must if you want to put on size. Avoid eating saturated fats from junk foods, snacks, chips & eat.

4. Say no to SMOKE

This is the most important Health tips in order to Lean Muscles. Smoking is really bad for your health. But if you can quit the smoking, then your life will be better. Here in this post, i am going to tell you some important points & benefits of quitting the smoking & how it can be lead to a healthy lifestyle. 

Read this article Health Benefits of Quitting Smoking

5. High Intensity Cardio is a major key fact in fat loss

Don’t overdo Cardio, While High Intensity Cardio may be a solution for fat loss, going overboard with it'll solely kill your lean muscle. Bulking up is primarily regarding conserving calories & victimization them for the correct physical exercise. Limit your HIIT to 2-3 days per week & focus a lot of on strength coaching.

6. Lift only weights that are possible to you.

Lift only as heavy as you can. Many persons will try to lift heavy weights when compared to their weight, thinking that this would work out in making you lean. But it is not so. Lift only as heavy as you can & gradually scale up your weights.

Benefits of Drinking Water in Empty Stomach in Early Morning

Here in this article I am going to explain you the benefits of drinking water in the early morning in an empty stomach.

Drinking water in the early morning is very important for one's health. That too drinking a liter of water in an empty stomach in the early morning is highly beneficial for the human body.

It is really a tough thing to drink water in an empty stomach in early morning as this would lead to vomiting sensation for everyone. But it is our duty to drink at least a liter of water in an empty stomach to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Initially we can drink a glass of water & after that one can increase the amount of water day by day gradually.

As this the summer season, we need to maintain our healthy. The one way is by drinking water & making our body cool will help you in making you live a healthy life. 

Benefits of Drinking Water in Empty Stomach in Early Morning

  1. Drinking sufficient quantity of water in the early morning in empty stomach will keep your body clean & it reduces the number of diseases that attacks you.
  2. Drinking more water will helps you in purifying the colon & also it helps our body in getting proper nutrients to each & every part.
  3. Naturally doctor advice to drink more water at regular intervals, this will also makes your skin glow & you will be free from certain skin diseases like skin rash, dryness of the skin & etc. When person intake water, the toxins from the blood is automatically removed.
  4. Drinking water also helps in reducing your total body weight.
  5. After you drink water just do a simple yoga or warm up to make your body & mind relaxed. Don't try to eat. The Yoga helps you in reducing your body weight & also boosts your metabolism in a great way.

Hope every one would understand the benefits of drinking water in the early morning in an empty stomach & health tips for a healthy & happy lifestyle.

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Health Benefits of Quitting Smoking

Health Benefits of Quitting Smoking:

Smoking is really bad for your health. But if you can quit the smoking, then your life will be better.

Here in this post, i am going to tell you some important key points & benefits of quitting the smoking & how it can be lead to a healthy lifestyle. 

Health benefits of stopping smoking.

1. Smoking Smell:

If you smoke, then your clothes, home, will smells very bad. This will make you away from your family & friends. Just try to follow these health tips & avoid the smoking & makes your lifestyle a better in future along with your families & friends. 

2. No more chronic cough:

We all know that every people who smoke will cough more. Due to this the throat will get problem & drying between tongue & stomach.

3. Improve fertility:

If you are going to quit the smoking, then it helps in improving the lining of the worm & will help in increasing the men's sperm count & more potent.

4.Looks like young:

Stopping or quitting smoking will helps in making you young & your wrinkles will be good.The skin of the people who quits smoking will get more nutrients & oxygen.

5. Whiter teeth:

Your teeth will become whiter when you stop smoking.

6. Better Breathing:

People who quits smoking will breathe more easily & comfortably.

7. Less Stress:

The scientific shows that peoples who quits smoking are prone to lower stress.

8. More Energy:

Your blood circulation will be increased if you stop smoking. Quitting also helps in increasing your immune system.

Small Introduction of Covid 19

Coronaviruses are a family of viruses that can cause respiratory illness in humans. They get their name, “corona,” from the many crown-like spikes on the surface of the virus. Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) and the common cold are examples of coronaviruses that cause illness in humans.

The new strain of coronavirus, COVID-19, was first reported in Wuhan, China in December 2019. The virus has since spread to all continents (except Antarctica).

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

The Beauty of Bones

Everyone wants to be look beautiful, perfect and attractive. For this purpose we does lost of struggling things but as usual we forgets to maintain over bones beauty which is the most important key of happiness.

Our bone needs some minerals and vitamins (especially Calcium and vitamin D), which can take from our daily foods but we don’t know what the exact amount should be taken? Or should not be taken. There are some guidelines which can help you to maintain your bones beauty. 

  • Our bones are made of calcium, Calcium to keep your bones dense and strong, a mineral that’s essential to proper body function, is stored in our bones. Low bone density can cause your bones to become brittle and fragile. These weak bones can break easily, even without an obvious injury.

[Calcium can get from milk and dairy products, cheese, yogurt, ice cream and green leafy vegetables] 

  • The body needs vitamin D to absorb calcium. Its mean vitamin D is the key of our bones.

[Vitamin D you can get from food or supplements. Sun shine can develop vitamin D in your body naturally. Other cheese, yogurt, beef liver, egg yolks are rich of vitamin D]

Foods That Build Strong Bones:

  • Milk
  • Eggs 
  • Yogurt 
  • Ice cream
  • Cheese 
  • Tofu 
  • Fishes: "Salmon, catfish, tuna, sardine with bones"
  • Green leafy vegetables: "broccoli, collards, kale, mustard greens, turnip greens, and bok choy, Edamame Okra"
  • NUTS AND SEEDS: "chia seeds, hemp seeds, sesame seeds, almonds, brazil nuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds"
  • Oranges, mulberries, gooseberries
  • Figs

Foods That Make Bones Weak:

  • Alcohol 
  • Too much Vitamin A
  • Too much Salt
  • Too much Sugar
  • Bleached flour 
  • Soft drinks "most dangerous"
  • Caffeine
  • Hydrogenated oils
  • Too much protein

What Causes A Headache - Ten Most Common Headache Triggers

There are a few common (and unexpected) things you can learn to avoid to prevent pain in the future.

1- Anxiety: Stress can take a toll on you. Breathe, relax & take a stroll.

2- Glare: Brightness from your computer screen, sunlight or overhead lights can make things painful. Turn it down & try adding a desk lamp.

3- Noise: It is not just loud, repetitive sounds. Even lower level on continuous noise can hurt. Calming music & headphones may help.

4- Eating + Sleeping Patterns: Eat when you are hungry. Sleep enough (not too much or too little), & do not sleep in an odd position in a cold room – it can make your muscles spasm.

5- Medication: Some prescription medications may have the potential to trigger a headache. If you notice an increase, talk to your doctor.

6- Physical Activity: Take it easy in the gym. Pushing too hard can result in an exertional headache from the swelling of blood vessels in your head, neck & scalp.

7- Lack of Physical Activity: Even though over-exertion can increase your risk for headaches, staying sedentary does not help either. As with most things in life, moderation is key. Talk to your doctor before beginning or revising any exercise regimen.

8- Posture: Your mom was right! Sit up straight to keep blood flowing (and move around when you can if you spend extended periods of time bent over a desk).

9- Hormones: When estrogen levels drop (especially right before your period), you may be more likely to get a headache. Keep track of your cycle & plan when you can.

10- Food Sensitivities: Food & drink release neurotransmitters, which can cause headaches in some people. Triggers include aspartame, caffeine, chocolate, alcohol, cheese & more.

Saturday, August 7, 2021

Six Foods to Keep Your Mind Young

These are the best foods to keep your brain and your Real Age young:


Nuts contain monounsaturated fats to keep your arteries clear, as well as levels of precursors of serotonin to boost mood.

Recommended Amount: 

1 ounce of nuts a day is just right. (More is fine, but be careful of calorie overload.) An ounce is about 12 walnuts or 24 almonds.

Fish (especially wild salmon, whitefish, tilapia, catfish, flounder, mahi mahi)

Fish contain artery-clearing omega-3 fatty acids.

Recommended Amount: 

Aim for 13.5 ounces of fish a week, or 3 servings, each about the size of your fist.


Soybeans contain heart- and artery-healthy protein, fiber, and fats.

Recommended Amount: 

1 cup of soybeans a day.

Tomato juice and spaghetti sauce

Tomatoes contain folate, lycopene, and other nutrients to keep arteries young.

Recommended Amount: 

8 ounces a day of juice or 2 tablespoons of spaghetti sauce a day.

Olive oil, nut oils, fish oils, flaxseed, avocados

All of these foods contain heart-healthy monounsaturated fats.

Recommended Amount: 

25% of daily calories should be healthy fats.

Real Chocolate (at least 70% cocoa)

Real chocolate increases dopamine release and provides flavonoids, which keep arteries young.

Recommended Amount: 

1 ounce a day (to replace milk chocolate).

90 Days Strict Diet Plan For Weight loss

  • Avoid Flour, Rice sugar in everyday food during diet
  • Eat 2 boiled eggs in breakfast during diet
  • Drink 150 ml water every two hours (make daily routine)
  • One day eat salad and one day fruit - 200 grams in lunch time during diet
  • Avoid fry items during diet
  • Avoid Junk Food during diet
  • Eat one day vegetable and one day meat 100 grams in dinner during diet
  • 15 mints fast walk daily
I implement all these steps in 3 month and get result 150 to 95 Kg.

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Health is wealth

Health is wealth
is a common proverb which reveals a very simple meaning by comparing the value of health with the wealth. It is said in this proverb that health of a man is as much important as the wealth to live a healthy, peaceful & prosperous life. Everyone knows that nothing is important in life than the good health. No one can be happy & peaceful without a good health. There is no success in people’s life if they suffer with bad health. Unhealthy people carry various diseases so they cannot enjoy the real pleasure of being a rich people.

In reality, health is more valuable for a person than the money because money cannot buy good health & happiness if someone is suffering from untreatable disease however, using money one can maintain his/her health. Money is only a source to remain in the state of happiness. People having sound health enjoy their life in all aspects like physically, mentally, socially, intellectually & financially. Maintaining health is not so simple however not so easy too. Good or bad health depends upon several factors including genetic condition, healthy food, environment, life style, sleeping habits, social status, psychological condition, financial condition, family status, air, water, & many more things.

As we all here since our childhood about the statement that, “Health is wealth”. It has very literal meaning that good health is more than important to the money. There are nothing have been blessed to us to be stable all through the life except a good health. People who do not have good health are very poor even if they have lots of money. They cannot buy a good health however can maintain a good health using their money. People should follow healthy life style in order to get good health. People who are not involved in the healthy life style may suffer a range of health disorders like overweight, high blood pressure, obese, heart diseases, obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol, kidney problems, liver disorders & so many.

Money matters however, not as important as health. Spending lots of money on five star hotels or other entertainment sources for a day but living a bad daily routine is not good. Being physically & mentally healthy helps a person to be socially & financially healthy too. Here are some tips which can help a person to be healthy & happy:

  • People should avoid unhealthy foods having high calories.
  • Everyone should eat their breakfast at right time.
  • Maintaining balanced diet is very necessary task in order to get healthy.
  • Daily physical exercises, yoga & meditation are also important part of healthy life.
  • Any bad habit such as smoking, drinking alcohol, bad life style, etc should be avoided.
  • People should follow less salt & sugar as well as more water intake strategy to be healthy.

Health is Wealth” is a very old proverb however will be true forever for the humanity. It indicates a very clear meaning that health is more significant for a person than the wealth. A healthy person can perform any task however; a wealthy person who is suffering from untreatable disease can never buy a good health. A healthy person (whether rich or poor) lives more happy & peaceful life than any rich person having a diseased body.

A healthy person becomes more energetic & work with full efficiency to earn wealth however; a rich but diseased person gets easily tired by both, physically & mentally. Building health is a tough, continuous & time taking procedure however; one can lose health in minimum time. Unhealthy person spends lot of money over medicines & doctors. He cannot be cheerful even after having lots of money. So, everyone should take much precaution in maintaining a good health which needs to be away from bad habits & unhealthy life style.

Health is wealth’ is a great saying for the humanity in this universe. In this proverb, the importance of health is compared to the value of wealth. It is said that health is as much important as wealth for a person. It is generally said that a person having lots of money is the happiest & richest person of the world. However, the real truth is that a person with good health is the happiest & richest person in the world. We can say that, money is not a real wealth however good health is the real wealth. Lack of money influences people’s life to a great extent however lack of good health reduces the feeling of living a life.

A healthy person can earn lots of money however an unhealthy person cannot because of the lack of motivation, interest & concentration level. Money is the source to live a healthy life however good health is the source to live a happy & peaceful life. So, good health matters a lot, more than the money. We all should maintain our good health to be wealthy in real means.